Evanslee started 2nd grade Monday!!! She is growing up fast. She has a "BOY" teacher this year and is excited because he has promised those that are good and do not get in trouble until Christmas break they will get a drawing of any animal they want, drawn by him. She is so excited, she is already trying to decide which animal she wants. She is a GOOD kid and I know that she will accomplish it. She is so quiet and shy (like her parents) that it sometimes worries me but she seems to enjoy school and has friends. She was so excited to see her friends again, but they have a different teacher so they made plans to meet under the big slide at recess. SO CUTE!!!
Today we had an appointment for the Headstart teachers to come and meet us and Caddis so that he can go to Headstart. He was so excited, he gets to go to "school like Evanswee! (that's how he pronounces Evanslee)." They gave him some tests and he was so proud of himself. He would concentrate so hard that his little tongue would be sticking out and going back and forth across his lips, so cute! He got that from John. Evanslee does it too! So CUTE!!! They were so good with him and told him that he was so smart and such a good little boy!! His little chest was all puffed out and he wanted to show one of the teachers his spiderman wall in his room, which was a total mess (coming from me that says something)! He cannot wait until next week when he gets to go to school, he evens gets to eat lunch at school, such a big boy!! What will Miko do with 3 adults all to herself? A spoiled princess for sure!
I am so greatful for my kids and I am so thankful that they are healthy and have no physical or mental problems. I saw a neighbor this morning at the bus stop and her little daughter who is just starting 1st grade this year has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and has to have CHEMO therapy once a week!!! So sad. She has to really watch her and during the winter they have to be extra careful with her. The poor little thing is so cute with a head full of blonde natural curls that look like a perfect little perm, and then she has to wear a medical mask so that she does not get any infection. I am greatful that John is the one sick and not one of the kids, that would just break my heart! I feel so sorry for her.
Now it is time to get the kids to bed, for another school day!
Becoming New in Christ
5 years ago
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